Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tay's 21st

So the it had been a really really really long time since I up dated my blog. But with nursing school in the final count down, I figured I would try to start getting better at updating.  So here is what has been going......... 

On January 3 my baby sister, Taylor, turned 21!  We were all so excited to go out and celebrate with her!  We started the night off at my dad's with all the sisters for dinner and cake.  I was a really good time. We got ready to go to the Glass Cactus at the Gaylord to party the night away.  Unfortunately, Erin couldn't come with us because she was 7 1/2 months pregnant but everyone was so glad that we were together at dad's. After dinner and cake we got ready, which was so nice because it brought back all the memories from growing up.  Sharing make up and helping each other with hair. 
It is just so crazy that we are all grown up with families or our own.  It was good to just have time with only the sisters!
In the picture below (Amanda, Erin, Taylor, Melody, and Me)

Once we got the Glass Cactus we started with night off with a round of shots and then drinks. I have to say that is was a little strange drinking with Taylor, I guess because she is the youngest and it means that we are all getting old
Taylor and Mel having a good time on the way upstairs!
The cover band that night was Suede, and they are so GOOD!!!!!!!  It was the second time I had seen them and it was just as good as the first.  The first time we saw them was during Melody's bachelorette party, which also happened to be a The Glass Cactus.  Suede plays a ton of music ranging from classic 80's through today! Let me just say they are so stinking good!
(Tay, Me, and Mel)

 I believe that this is shot round #3 
Rocking Out!
Rob the bartender! He hooked us up that night! ;)
Having a great time! I can't wait until all five of us can go it! 
Watch out world we are one group of hottie sisters!

We're Amanda, Mel and Lay and we like the boom!

Suede ROCKS!

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