Friday, January 7, 2011

Aledo Win State!

This is a little late......but Aledo won State in Football for teh second year in a row!!! WAHHOOO GO ALEDO!!

This is a Cowboys Stadium, the faithful Aledo fans! There were alot of fans there!  Plus the stadium is amazing!! the TV screen itself it MASSIVE!

Matt and I

My Parents
My family minus Taylor :(

We had such a good time at the game. It was nice that Matt and I were able to have date night! 

I can't wait for Caleb to play football when he gets older! I sure hope he is athletic. 

 After all we do live in Texas!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Caleb's Big Boy Bike

So we finally got all of the Christmas decorations all taken down and put away, which gave me motivation to clean out the garage!  Caleb helped out and when we were done we had enough room for him to ride his bike around.

This is the first time he has actually ridden his bike since his birthday when he got it.  It was a little to big back in September, but now it fits him just right!

It makes me sad to see him riding it.  He looks like such a BIG BOY. But I guess he has to grow up! :(

P.S. I think it is cute during his first turn you can ever so faintly hear him talking to himself saying "PUUUSSHH" too cute!  Love him so much.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hey, It's Ok Wednesday!

I got this post idea from Airing Out My Dirty Laundry, One Sock At a Time.

Glamour magazine has a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about.

Here is my It's Ok........

- that my house doesn't always (ok who am I kidding) EVER look like a magazine when you walk in. 

- my three year old still sleeps with us some nights.

-that I am a working mom! and don't spend all my time with my son.  If I did I would probably go crazy and my son would wind up scarred for life.

-that I get anxiety when my house/garage is disorganized. My husband thinks I am crazy! I hate clutter.

-that I am ADDICTED to trashy reality TV

-that I am a horrible speller. I have spell check!

-that I pretend the ladies on the blogs I read are my friends.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Not a good Text

I got a text from my step mom today saying that my cousin's newborn son was in this hospital and had a breathing tube down his throat breathing for him.  Me being the nurse I am immediately knew that was NOT a good sign.

I called my dad when I got off work for more information. (this is all second hand information but you get the picture)  It all started about a two weeks ago the baby was congested so they took him to Cook's and were told the baby might have sleep apnea, and they needed to keep a close eye on him.

Well my cousin went to pick him up form my Aunt's house, she picked him up and he went limp. They started CPR and called 911!  I am not sure what all is going on but I do know he is in ICU at cook's and still on a ventilator. 

I can't imagine what my cousin must be going through..... I would be hysterical.  She has two other little boys at home so I am sure she is feeling overwhelmed. 

Prayers are greatly appreciated.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Goals!

My goals for 2011, I tried to keep them realistic.

1. Start to blog more. I have been really bad since I started this blog.  But I don't really have any more excuses.... I am out of school and don't plan on going back until 2012. Caleb isn't a baby any more so I really don't have an excuses. Plus I want to be able to look back and remember this when I am say 40.... Ugh that sounds so far away!

2. Hit the gym more. I am not putting pressure on myself to loose X number of pounds.  I just want to go to the gym more.  If I happen to loose wight in the process that is a bonus.  I am pretty happy with the way I look, I just need to tone up more.  I have come to terms that I will never be a size 2!  Right now I dread going to the gym but once I leave I feel so much better!

3. Pay down our bills,  I really hate using the word "debt".  I plan on doing that by working overtime at work and cutting the fat in my spending.

4. Spending more time with my family!

That pretty much sums up my 2011 Goals.

(hey look I am accomplishing one right now! Ha!)